HCI Mental Health Client Environment
With the HCI Mental Health Client Environment you can achieve safe and effective communication with your clients and you will have an easy step towards online treatment (e-health) because the client has access to his file and can give and receive feedback online.
By the client's self-activity, you can make the treatment more intensive, do more in less time, and therefore achieve the treatment goals in less time. And if an appointment needs to be made, you can ask the client to make it themselves via the portal.
e-health connections
With integrated links to e-health systems, you will have access to a large number of modules that you can use to further enhance your online treatment. It involves testing (ROM), education, exercises, diaries and complete modules around a specific disorder.
The functionality is integrated for the client in the client portal – so no separate account or login is required – and for the care provider in the client's file in HCI GGZ. The care provider also does not have to log in extra, but can prepare new items directly from the client's file.
We follow new developments closely and customer wishes are included in product development. This is included in the price, as is support and hosting.
Our method allows you to make your wishes known and follow them. The planned versions and their status can be viewed directly by your application manager. Thinking along is highly appreciated.
Support included
It is our job to create clear and consistent software. That is why we offer our Customer Support at no extra cost. Service is not a business model for us.
Safety is our number one priority. HCI GGZ is NEN7510 certified. The availability of the server is continuously monitored and we perform multiple vulnerability scans every week. Periodically we also let an ethical hacker loose on our system to test security.
Because HCI GGZ is hosted on highly reliable servers in specialized data centers in the Netherlands, you do not need to have or manage servers in-house. An internet connection and a device running a browser are sufficient.
For self-employed persons, practices and institutions
Whether you work as an independent psychologist or psychiatrist, in a practice or a large institution in mental health care: many colleagues have preceded you in using it. As a smaller client, you use the standard setup of the package that we have created based on experience with more than 400 clients. As a larger practice, you can get support from our application managers
We have extensive experience in conversions from various packages to HCI GGZ and have guided a large number of clients during the transition.
Switching to HCI GGZ almost always means that a number of things in your organization will be streamlined and simplified: Excel files are no longer needed (we have validations) and internal e-mails are redundant (you will work with ToDo's). With HCI GGZ, many of your current registration activities will become redundant.
We would be happy to discuss your specific situation to create a tailor-made offer.
The agenda is a central function in HCI GGZ. For the care provider a start of the daily use, fast and clear and with a single click in the client's file. From the agenda reports can be quickly added to the file, this is also optimized for groups.
For the secretariat, the agenda is indispensable. The time-consuming search in the agenda for a slot for an appointment with multiple care providers is a thing of the past with the function "Search available time". Appointments can be duplicated, group appointments are easily possible and the security can be arranged in detail.
The agenda has a large number of functions:
Fast and flexible
With the standard setup of HCI GGZ you can start immediately. Adjustments can be made immediately, but also later based on experiences.
For many functions, if you do not use them, you can easily hide them. Filling in redundant fields because the system demands it, is not the case with HCI GGZ.
Because the agenda is used intensively by all customers, this has a lot of attention, in close cooperation with the users new functionality is designed, realized and tested. During development it is paramount that the agenda must be fast, every change or action must be shown directly on the screen.
Mobile and connectable to other calendars
When used on a smartphone, the calendar layout is automatically adjusted to the use for the mobile version. The calendar feed is available for viewing in Outlook, Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Thunderbird, etc.
HCI GGZ offers a complete electronic file for each client. In addition to the usual data about a client – name, address, telephone, etc. – the family system and relationships with third parties (school, work, neighbors) can also be recorded.
Only show what you use
Because every organization is different, the parts of the file can be hidden if they are not used. But very few organizations will use all the parts of the file menu. A practice will therefore not be bothered by a part "Care pathways" if it is not used. The order of the parts can also be determined according to your own insight.
Not only the file menu, but also the front page of a client can be arranged according to your own insight. It consists of components that are displayed depending on the user type of the logged in user.
For a care provider, different things are important than for a secretary. Components to choose on the cover page are general data, a passport photo, validations, important information, checklists and more.
Automatic checks
HCI GGZ performs extensive checks on all files every night. This results in “Validations” that need to be resolved. These can be turned on or off and prioritized at your own discretion.
Most customers work with the standard equipment to their complete satisfaction.
The retrieval of insurance data (for clients aged 18 and over) is also done at night, via the COV (Insurance Law Check). This can of course also be done manually from the file.
When you are working, you want to be able to continue smoothly; the system should not create any obstacles that hinder the progress of care. For example, when creating a new file, not all client data need to be known yet; when planning an appointment with a client, you want to put it in the agenda immediately, without warnings and signals. On the other hand, you want to be able to declare smoothly and be certain that the file is also complete when closing a file.
HCI GGZ solves this for you. Every night, every file is checked by means of so-called "validations". These validations have been developed based on legislation and regulations and the years of experience of HCI GGZ users in practice.
Targeted solution
HCI GGZ has different types of validations that are tailored to the type of user and their specific task package. For example, the validation "diagnosis not filled in after start of treatment" can be shown for a care provider, while the message "incorrect address" can appear for a secretarial employee.
Validations are shown both on the dashboard when starting HCI GGZ, as well as on the cover page of a client's file.
Management information
Of course, there are reports that allow you to gain insight very quickly into which matters require the most attention. Per department or per care provider, it is thus clear where things are in order and where a backlog threatens to arise.
Flexible layout
For each validation you can determine the priority and indicate whether you use it or not. Depending on how your practice or institution is organized, you can turn certain validations on or off. Here too, the standard setup of HCI GGZ is almost always sufficient, certainly to be able to make a quick start.
Validations also have functions: they can prevent the approval of the agenda, the declaration of a service or the closing of a file. Resolving validations prevents problems in a later phase of the process without hindering the progress of the care process itself.
HCI GGZ handles multiple funding streams very well. The rules regarding this are often complex and subject to change. Every year we spend a significant part of our programming capacity on adapting the software to the new rules.
We work closely with other chain partners and are loyal visitors to meetings of, for example, the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa), VECOZO, Vektis and GGZ Nederland.
Care is declared to VECOZO via EI messages ("EI" stands for "external integration"). Vektis is the agency that creates and maintains the definitions of the message traffic, VECOZO is the declaration portal of the joint insurers and for the municipalities.
Adults & health insurers
The EI messages for the healthcare performance model are created using the applicable declaration standards as determined by Vektis and used by VECOZO.
Youth & municipalities
For Youth Care, HCI GGZ tracks all iJW message traffic and also the declarations. There are major differences in contract form between the youth care regions. With HCI GGZ you can record your agreements with the municipalities in your regions in detail, send the correct messages on time and then submit your declaration correctly.
HCI GGZ also supports messages within the framework of the WMO.
For a number of years now, we have also offered the option of registering, validating and declaring Forensic Care according to the care performance model.
HCI GGZ is perfectly equipped to easily submit declarations regarding POH
Other declarations
All services that you register in HCI GGZ can also be charged directly to the client, in accordance with the guidelines set by the health insurers.
At your own discretion, you can also expand HCI GGZ to serve a wide variety of clients. Practical examples include: employers, schools, benefit agencies and project organizations.
HCI GGZ is the “production” system of the care provided, but does not replace the entire financial administration of your organization. Declarations with the return messages received on them are exported from HCI GGZ to various accounting packages without any problems.
Register receipts
The payment receipt date and a description can also be recorded in HCI GGZ.
Supported Packages
Through the link with Databrydge/WeFact we are able to offer a custom link to the most common accounting systems. We also support the export files of Exact, Exact Online, BrancheView, Muis and Bomas. Many modern accounting packages allow you to specify how the file to be imported looks. This fits neatly with the standard export of HCI GGZ to a CSV file.
Dataswitch / WeFact
A link can become complex and requires knowledge of the care system and of the accounting. In collaboration with Zorgfinancials, an organization specialized in this, we have realized the universal link via Dataswitch and WeFact. They can also assist you with the further setup and use of the link.
Sending your clients timely appointment reminders is an effective way to reduce no-shows.
SMS and email
HCI GGZ offers extensive options to set the text and timing of reminder messages yourself, which are then automatically sent by SMS or email.
No-show invoice
You can invoice a no-show invoice directly from HCI GGZ.
Sending emails to colleagues about clients is a thing of the past with HCI GGZ. We have developed the ToDo for this: an action that you set out for yourself or for a colleague to perform a certain action.
Insight and overview
A component with ToDo per care provider will be included on the HCI GGZ dashboard, but the ToDos per client can also be seen at a glance on the cover page of a file.
Of course, there are extensive reporting and filter options to check per department or employee how many ToDos are still open and where a possible backlog is likely to arise.
… and much more
The ToDo is much more than just a replacement for client emails, it is also a building block of a checklist that allows you to immediately see the progress in a file.
Working with groups is extensively supported by HCI GGZ. It is very easy to make a “group appointment”, nothing needs to be set up for this, it is an appointment where multiple clients are present. Within HCI GGZ it is possible to process and declare residence and attendance registrations.
But a group can also be more extensive, an ongoing group for depression treatment for example. It is possible to have both clients and care providers participate in a group for a period of time.
Convenience for the care provider
The group functionality has been developed in close collaboration with care providers. What is important, what do I want to be able to see when and how is the creation of a report made as easy as possible? HCI GGZ is there for the care provider.
The care provider quickly has a total overview of the group with which he has an appointment: who is participating, how far along are they? And when making a report of a group session, the files of the individual clients are also updated with exactly that information that applies to the client.
Within HCI GGZ it is possible to process and declare residence and attendance registrations.
HCI GGZ has extensive reporting options
Output options
All reports can be displayed on the screen as standard, printed to a file or opened directly in Word or Excel, for example.
Search and sort
When generating reports, search filters are used where all relevant fields can be searched with advanced filtering options. The sorting can also be easily specified by the user.
One of the best benefits of HCI GGZ that users often mention is the speed. All screens are refreshed immediately and the waiting time is often less than a second.
Customised report
If the existing reporting and selection options are not sufficient, there is the option to build reports yourself.
To organizations that want to approach the database with their own reporting tool, we offer this possibility upon request. For the benefit of data warehouses and other management information systems, it is also possible to have access to the complete database.
HCI GGZ is delivered completely ready to use with a number of user types, but you can create your own variations on this. Some common variations are supplied as standard.
See what is needed
Per user type you set which parts of HCI GGZ are available. Each user type also has its own dashboard.
Suitable for your organization
A type can easily be expanded, for example from “secretary” to “financial secretary” if the messaging or declarations are also done by one (or more) secretaries.
Each individual user of HCI GGZ has the possibility to make adjustments to the interface. For example, the color, style and the order of the components on the dashboards can be adjusted to their own preference.
HCI GGZ naturally uses secured and encrypted connections. Your practice or institution will receive its own HCI GGZ database and you determine who will have access by means of user accounts. A user account is strictly personal, via a user name and password a user will have access to the data and components of HCI GGZ that belong to the User type of that user.
Two-factor authentication
To further secure your account, a so-called “second factor” is used when logging in. This can be a code via SMS or a code generated with an “Authenticator” app on a smartphone, for example with Google Authenticator. A hardware key such as the Yubikey is also supported by HCI GGZ as a second factor.
Only our own office locations
It is possible to create additional security by setting that only known IP addresses can be logged in. The organization can set and manage this itself. This allows you to ensure that only certain office locations can use HCI GGZ and additionally allow some employees to log in from home or another location.
Where does HCI GGZ “stand”?
The database and website are located on a server known to us in a renowned data center in the Netherlands. Production and backup environments are located in two different physical locations.
Will my data be backed up?
A full backup is made every night and from 07:00 AM onwards a backup of the changes is made every hour.
We do much more!
The availability of HCI GGZ is continuously monitored by means of so-called monitoring software from various locations. If there is a malfunction, we know about it almost immediately.
Every week, all our servers are checked for vulnerabilities by two separate programs (vulnerability scans).
We are NEN7510 certified. Our management process includes having our servers periodically examined by a so-called “ethical hacker”.