HCI Mental Health and Addiction Care declaration partners
Corner business support
Corner business support
Hoeks Bedrijfsondersteuning takes care of everything! You can do what you like most, such as dealing with clients. We will take care of the administrative matters for you. We also help you with process support, training in the system, customer focus and facility support.
Say goodbye to your administrative frustrations and focus on care again”. That is the motto of 4Care Zorgadministratie. At 4Care you will find involvement, expertise, a personal approach and a colleague who respects the GDPR. In addition to taking care of your Zorgadministratie, you can also contact us for advice on optimizing work processes and support in financial administration.
At Conti-nu, your entire healthcare administration is in good hands. After all, proper file management ensures a smooth declaration process, which contributes to the continuity and quality of your organization. If desired, I can also advise and support you with your (internal) processes.
Do you need administrative help within mental health care? We would like to help you with this! We provide the setup of HCI GGZ. Advise and support with registration. Take care of the declaration. In this we are well informed about VEKTIS and VECOZO. We are also happy to support the negotiations with insurers and/or municipalities. Furthermore, we provide periodic management reports that contribute to responsible business operations.
As a healthcare provider or healthcare institution, you can contact us for advice and support with your financial management. We know our way around healthcare finances and that is why you can rely on expert advice for your company. We attach great value to personal contact and close involvement with your company.