Smart software makes organizing everything around care easier. With direct insight into a clear EPD. Communicate with clients and care colleagues without any problems. Effortless declaring and compliance with all regulations. Processing the administration faster. This leaves more time for what is really important: the best care for your clients.
The easiest practice software for dietitians
Smart software makes organizing everything related to healthcare easier. With direct insight into a clear EPD. Communicate effortlessly with clients and healthcare colleagues. Effortlessly declare and comply with all regulations. Process the administration faster. This leaves more time for what is really important: the best care for your clients.
Smart Nutrition Calculations
Up-to-date quality guidelines
All in one
EHR for the dietician
Dieticians have a passion for everything that has to do with dietetics. An EPD should support this. Evry is the HCI EPD that focuses on that. All-in-one software that makes it possible to maintain client files, schedule appointments online, declare, nutritional calculations and all of that directly linked to the EPD.
For your clients we offer Uw Zorg Online, the healthcare app of the Netherlands, where the consumer arranges care together with the healthcare providers in their own healthcare network. Here, as a dietician, you will soon be able to let clients arrange much more themselves digitally and involve them in their treatment. This leaves more time for what is really important: the best care for your clients.
Health Cloud Initiative combines the strengths of pioneers in EHR, PBM and eHealth. Together we have over 30 years of experience in proven solutions for professionals and patients. We are active in primary care, pharmacies, mental health care and paramedical practices. Together we have everything in-house to help almost all healthcare providers in the Netherlands.